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Seeds transplanted

I checked on the germinating seeds. 4 out of the 6 sprouted successfully. They have a main root to about an inch long and according to the online guide it was time to transplant.

I gathered small pots that were filled with Roots Organic Formula 707 soil. Then soaked the soil before I transplant with filtered water. Using my fingers, I made 1” deep holes, where I sprinkled some MycoGrow “a mixture of 11 species of endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi“. Then with some tweezers, I carefully placed a germinated seed (main root pointing downside) in each pot, then lightly covered it with some soil. To finish the process, I sprayed filtered water with a clean spray bottle to avoid crushing or lifting the seeds out from heavy pouring.

To track progress all pot containers should have appropriate labels with strain name and date transplanted. For watering, I marked my calendar to create a feeding schedule. I will check the containers every day to make sure the soil stays moist until the seedlings sprout above the soil.