
Keeping a journal of the growing seasons and reflect back on the progress made. 

Preparing for transplant

Hollister has seen clear skies for most of this week. Hitting +80*F a couple times. From the west we get morning and evening fog that blankets the surrounding mountains.

I have checked out the moisture in the pots during the week. To see how quickly the soil dries up. So far every other day I would water them. I have noticed that the plants are showing their gender. All four show signs of female characteristics.

Find a spot where the pots will get full sun. From experience, I have more success getting full sun early morning than mid afternoon. I aim for 13+ hours of full natural sun light. Topping or any pruning is not recommended since our cannabis energy is going towards producing new nodes, fan leaves and new heights.

Next weekend I am planning to transplant to their final spot before I prune them. In the mean time get your pots, working area cleaned, and tools ready. A lot of work is coming.

* Note: If you noticed male characteristics then its a good time to get rid of them. Unless you are planning to pollinate.

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